Things have been going really well. Craig went back to work on Monday; Grace and I survived! She has good nights and bad ones... more good than bad though. She does 3 and 4 hour sleep stretches, so that is wonderful for Mommy and Daddy. Even though Daddy doesn't get up with her! I can't believe that she is 16 days old already. I know everyone is wanting pics, so here are a few!
Not sure how many of you know, but we had to go through fertility treatment to get pregnant with our little miracle. This is our doc, Dr. Holden. Thanks Dr. Holden!!!

Grace with her first Illini hair bow!

I LOVE this pic!!!
Adorable pictures! I'm so glad things are going well. I can't believe it's been two weeks already either!
You are so blessed! And so is Gracie to have you two.
She is so beautiful Becky. I am so happy for you and your family. xoxo
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