Here are some pictures from Playhouse Disney. Grace had a great time. She loved seeing Mickey again. And especially loved seeing Pooh and Manny!
We had some nice days so Grace went to the park to swing... with mommy of course!
We went down to Nana and Papa's for Ryan's birthday party a few weeks ago. Long story short, Grace and I had a long night and this is where Grace ended up sleeping! Well that is where I Found her in the morning at least!
Here is Ryan opening his present
Here is Grace driving the bus... she had a great time.
Grace loves her cows. So when we went to Colonial Cafe for some ice cream and found her a cow... she was really excited. Moo Moo!!!
And yes, she only has one shoe on. That is the story of my life. It take her all of 2 minutes to take that stupid thing off once I put it on, so half the time I just don't put it back on till I have to!