Saturday, October 30, 2010
Just a note
Yes I have a ton more pictures I need to post. But somehow I packed up the camara cable! So I need to try to find it and once I do I promise to post the rest of the pictures from the camara! Sorry Penny!!!
Apple orchard and getting ready for pictures
Here we are at Edwards Apple Orchard. This is Grace's first apple cider donut!
Riding the pony.
Vroom Vroom

Craig wanted Grace's hair curled for her 2 year pictures. So I curled it. Here she is with her hair all bobby pinned up. She loved it up like that and cried when I took it down. This was our trial the day before her 2 year pictures to make sure it would work. 
And here are the curls! How cute is she?
My little baby is growing up!!

Random pictures
Road trip and Bath time
Monday, August 9, 2010
Random pics
Did you hear the news? I have a maid and a cook!

Yes, this is my life. Grace loves to take her clothes off. She yells "I NAKED!" At least in this picture she has 2 watches on!! 

She loves Rocko!
Grace got a new Car... gotta love pink

Feeling patriotic

Feeling patriotic

Someone is a big girl now and she helps all the time. She decided that kissy bear was hungry. I was getting her lunch ready so kissy bear had to eat before she could get in her chair. 

This is what happens when I let Craig watch Grace and I go inside for a few minutes. I came outside and she kept yelling that it was raining!!

Mini Vacation to Charleston/EIU
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