Well, not too much has been going on. Baby girl is doing great. We went to the doctor on wed. The ultrasound tech was great and turned on the 3d for us. She is even chubbier than before! And wait until you see her big feet!!! They are guessing she is about 4 pounds 3 oz., which puts her in the 60th percentile. So she is doing great. I am starting my non-stress tests now, so I am having to go 2x's per week. Essentially I just go sit for 20-40 mins and they monitor baby girl and how she is doing. She has to do certain things during monitoring before they will unhook me. Our next ultrasound is at 35 weeks and then they will set the date for my cercalge removal.
We also did our preadmission interview. We did it a little early so that Craig wouldn't have to take time off to be able to come with me. It was nice to get so much information and get the tour of labor/delivery and mother baby. It makes this all seem so real now!
I am so excited for my baby shower this weekend! I can't wait!!!!! I am sure I will have tons of pics to show after.